The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting all Americans to pray for the nation. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. Open Door Baptist Church coordinates each year with the national organizing committee for the day’s prayer event.

We will be joining our hearts together at 9:00 AM on Thursday, May 4th 2023 to pray for our nation. We welcome everyone from the community to do the same.

The National Day of Prayer (NDP) Task Force exists to communicate with every individual the need for personal repentance and prayer, and to mobilize the Christian community to intercede for America’s leaders and its families. The Task Force represent a Judeo-Christian expression of the national observance, based on the understanding that this country was birthed in prayer and in reverence for the God of the Bible.

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